The Minimalist Marketer

Let's do this, Trailblazer.

I collaborate with


It’s my honor and privilege to help you crush it with your email, in your authentic voice and with your commitment to do good in the world at the very center of it. 

This is gonna be great.

Here’s how it works: 

I’m the right fit for the right people. But not all people (thank God!).  

I’m intentional about who I work with because I love knowing that my clients love what we create together, I love referral business, and I LOVE to have a good time.

So it’s vital that we’re aligned in a few ways:

  • I’m transparent in my business because it works. You gotta be, too. 
  • I’m a “Yes, And” kind of person because creativity thrives in a “Yes, And” environment. And creativity in “Thrive mode” generates solutions that move mountains. So, you gotta be a Yes, too. (This doesn’t mean you have to SAY yes to everything, you just need to BE a Yes to letting our working together be successful. And fun.)
  • I don’t play. As much as I’m here to have a good time, I’m here to GET. THINGS. DONE. I’ve been told I get more accomplished in two hours than most get done in two weeks. (I don’t know if this is entirely true, but I’ll take the compliment.) This means you gotta be ready. Ready for the work. Ready for the transformation. 


The above Alignment Disclaimer is in the name of my favorite thing: Seeing my clients WIN. Whatever this means to you, this is what I’m here for.  

Now, some news:

Bad news: I ain’t cheap. Good news: I ain’t cheap. 

The currency of authenticity and trust is invaluable, and this is what email is all about. And, like you, I charge actual money. 

98% (or more) of my business has been word of mouth. 

If you think we’ll work well together, too, let’s connect by email. 

No application, no Calendly link, no call… just shoot me an email. 

I’ll take a look at what you’re doing. 

I’ll give you my hard-won intuitive guidance on how to align your email marketing (and, therefore, your whole marketing approach) with The Good Life. 

And, if it makes sense and feels right, we’ll see if there’s an opportunity to create some magic together (there are many ways to do this!). 

Best news? 

We can do it ALL by EMAIL. (Yep, this means zero pressure, plenty of time to think, and real connection sans the hostile Zoom lighting.)

Shoot me an email now: 

(Ask me about why I dropped the M and went with .CO instead!)